Sunday, October 31, 2010

Nouvelle Cuisine, roughly translated, means: I can't believe I paid ninety-six dollars and I'm still hungry.
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. William Shakespeare
I only go to work on days that don't end in a 'y'.
40 Singapore foods we can't live without
Controversy is the new advertising
Now All Of You Smart People, Try Solving This One!
7 Things You Should Know About Your Internet-Interrupted Brain
We are each of us angels with only one wing, & we can fly only by embracing others. Luciano De Crescent
It's not that you and I are so clever, but that the others are such fools.
The next Keanu Reeves meme (check out the comments)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Check out the Scooby Doo Halloween pictures on now! Awesome
Is genius genetic?
Do u Dare to Take the Ultimate Intelligence Test?
Sixth Sense: Do You Have It? v @mistygirlph
Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side & it holds the universe together. Oprah
The scary truth about disposable chopsticks Watch 3:30!
Growing Facebook likes with the Snowball Effect
Have You Ever Wondered What Fried Beer Tastes Like? via @mistygirlph
Where do iPods come from? v @Minervity
The Story of the oldest Holocaust survivor Ty @terrinakamura
I went to school to become a wit... but only got halfway through.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Women dress alike all over the world: they dress to be annoying to other women.
It's not hard to meet expenses... they're everywhere.
If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in the dark with a mosquito.
Judging a Twitter User by Their Followers
Hilarious! Facebook in Real Life
Two teenagers rape and burn 18 year old girl & confess on WoW
The only time the world beats a path to your door is if you're in the bathroom.
Why night owls are smarter than morning larks
Good laugh and long sleep are the best cures in a doctor's book.
Some days you're the dog! other days you're the hydrant...
8 effective mind mapping tools for brainstorming
Burning Question: When is one too old to dress up for Halloween?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

12 grocery items nutrition experts would never buy
How am I going to live today in order to create the tomorrow I'm committed to? Anthony Robbins
We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. Sam Keen
For All You Ladies Just the Way You Are
Only Irish coffee provides all main essential food groups: alcohol, caffeine, sugar, and fat.
We live in an age when pizza gets to your home before the police.
Halloween was confusing. My parents said, ‘Never take candy from strangers.’ Then they dressed me up & said, ‘Go beg for it.’
Obessed Female Fan at Synnara Fansigning
Home Video Horror: Girl's Ass is Too Big for the Swing
Dogs in Halloween Costumes: (Youtube)
"A Pure Love"
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day.
I went to school to become a wit... but only got halfway through.
Women like silent men, they think they’re listening.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The art of advice is to make the recipient believe he thought the thought of it himself.
Ellen Makes David Beckham Act A Fool! Hilarious!
What do you do when a restaurant claims u defamed them w a negative review?
Must-read for Parents: Help Them, Teach Them, but Don’t Live Through Them #parenting TY @DougHensch @MarjieKnudsen
Is it true that women define themselves by their relationships and men define themselves by whom they are helping?
The best advice is this: Don't take advice and don't give advice.
Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness. Earl of Derby
5 People Who Failed Their Way to Fame And Fortune
Don't you love it how they get women who don't need girdles to model girdles?
real life fainting kittens
1 million dollars or true love?
The Fine Art of Dog Photography TY @GenkiGenki
7 Creepy Urban Legends That Happen to be True
Welcom Turist, We Spik Inglish TY @daphnemaia
Floating Islands: Using Garbage to Clean Polluted Water

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Back To The Future Is A Must-See 25 Years Later
The world is like a ride at an amusement park. v @Alyssa_Milano
A man is often a bad adviser to himself and a good adviser to another.
The best advice is this: Don't take advice and don't give advice.
All those who believe in telekinesis, raise my hand.
Some people like my advice so much that they frame it upon the wall instead of using it.
Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
How do i stop the suffering? "Ginger Root Tea" by @Lotay
Chinese iPhone workers poisoned by harmful chemical
Man breaks dog out of jail
Middle age is when your age starts to show around your middle.
Alien reviews Area 51 on Google Maps

Monday, October 25, 2010

Interesting! How To Get Free Cell Phone service via @Minervity
Why I Deleted My Foursquare Account
Use GMail To Send Real Snail Mail Letters With A Click
Socrates Test of Three Powerful stuff!
Are you really marketing or just advertising? Great post
How to ensure your lost wallet/purse gets returned 88% of the time
Victims of True Spa Subtle Senses (Singapore) Class Action Suit in Progress?
6 Free Sites for Creating Your Own Comics Woot!
Facebook Asks Users to Remove Special Characters and Multiple Languages From Their Names
Everyday Objects That Tell A Story (Photography)
Falling in love only takes about a fifth of a second
Picture of the Day Smiling Hippo FTW!
Shades of X-Men A new plane "discovered" hiding under a house?
Males Who Grow Up With A Lot of Sisters are Less Sexy
MySpace just as guilty as Facebook for transmitting personal data

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Facebook Removes Your Exes From Photo Memories
When you blame and criticize others, you are avoiding some truth about yourself. True or False?
Why do people order a diet coke with their thousand calorie, super sized, fast food meal?
Someone doing 85mph in a 60mph Zone. We chased after them, but realised we were breaking the speed limit. Arrested ourselves. The Police
Average-looking men with confidence and a sense of humor are more attractive than hunks. True or False?
I know you think you understood what I said, but what you heard was not what I meant.
Help support the Dolphins in Japan

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Making things hard to read 'can boost learning' (BBC)
I'm not cynical. Just experienced.
Saw this on a badge today: Eat Right, Exercise, Die Anyway...
My mechanic told me, "I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder."
Men, chocolate, and coffee are all better rich.
8 year old boy's Christmas list
Twitter makes me love people i've never met & Facebook makes me hate people i know in real life... True or False?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Where's Crocodile Dundee when you need him? Croc on plane kills 19 via @eviltofu
Friendster, MySpace and Plurk were once so cool. Now FB looks like a jazzed up blog. Too bad we can't change the template
Martin Freeman is officially confirmed to play Bilbo Baggins in 'The Hobbit'!
Ummh... Should one update to iOS4 if one has an iPhone3? Any issues to worry about?
If work was this fun, i'd have no problems with procrastination! via @mistygirlph
Sales of gold and silver bullion are heating up

Thursday, October 21, 2010

If you ate pasta and antipasto, would you still be hungry?
How do you dig your nose if you can't use your hands?
Pleh! The word when spoken conjures up the feeling of not wanting to help someone... Pleh!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

just unearthed a 10 year old Trek Secure thumbdrive. Still works! Thank goodness i remembered the password
Be careful of following the masses. Remove the "m" and see who exactly you're following...
#lifehastaughtme Don't be a woman that needs a man, be the woman a man needs!
#isitjustme ? I prefer tart, sour tough green kiwifruits to soft, sweet golden ones. How about you?
Thinks men are at an advantage during break-ups. They just don't care...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Helen Mirren should have been an action hero!
Old man, my ass! RED was awesome!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Good night everyone. Sleeping early
How come there aren't B or B-sized batteries?
A free online course to help people learn to prosper online
How's everyone today? Great?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Here's a chance to win $30K in prizes (iPads, iPods and MacBooks) everyday
It's official: Your bullying boss really is an idiot
off to dinner! Please leave your messages at the beep... **Beep**
Find out who's searching for you on the internet

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

i think i just crashed Twitter...
6 Ways Customers Do to Tick Off Chefs
Bisphenol A or BPA declared toxic in Canada
Why do most “reality” TV shows have absolutely nothing to do with reality?
iPhone 4 glass breaks 82% more than iPhone 3Gs
Most Dangerous Object in the Office The Hallmark Dummy Launcher
Win a trip anywhere in the U.S. & up to $5,000 of your flight and lodging paid by StumbleUpon
Why is cargo sent by ships and shipments sent by cars?
Opps... Hope you don't get a wedding card like this Ever!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Why don’t they give you a knife in Chinese restaurants?
Study: Decision-making groups need more women, not geniuses
For students looking to build their business Here's a business strategy with a free iPod, iPad or MacBook/PC
When in charge, ponder. When in doubt, mumble. When in trouble, delegate.
10 Things You Can Do to Help Save the Earth
Cute and friendly Maltese Cross puppy up for adoption
Why does toilet bowl cleaner only come in the color blue?
wonders if we renamed exercise to ass-ercise, would we get more butts moving?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Top 10 Things You Should Do In Japan
5 Scams Tourists Always Fall For
Why So Many People Can't Make Decisions
By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong. Charles Wadsworth
By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right, he usually has a son who thinks he's wrong. Charles Wadsworth
10 Tips for Getting Great Photos of Your Cat
10 Tips for Getting Great Photos of Your Cat
J.K. Rowling Mapped Out Harry Potter’s Fate On A Scrap of Notebook Paper
50 Excellent Photography-Related Tutorials

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The New Way to Find the Best Airfare Deals Online
Where to Find The Best Travel Deals Online
Is it me, or does all Mexican food seem to be the same, just folded differently?
4 Harvard Girls Create A Soccer Ball That Can Power A Lamp for up to three hours after only 15 minutes of play

Saturday, October 9, 2010

what's your greatest strength?
Why are we afraid of falling? Shouldn’t we be afraid of the sudden stop?
Watch "The Cove" Free Movie Online (HQ)
Watch "The Cove" Free Movie Online (HQ)
10 Relationships Ruined by the Internet
Good reason to secure your wireless connection Your neighbour might be uploading c**** p***
Would you rather fly in a plane, ride a train, dance in the rain, feel no pain, or be mentally insane?
Top 10 Urban Legends Debunked

Watch "The Cove" Free Movie Online (HQ)

Ben Stiller introduced the film "The Cove" at the NYC Premiere of "The Cove" and said that after he first saw "The Cove" at the Nantucket Film Festival, he "wanted to go to Japan and become an activist." Ben's wife Christine Taylor told the Daily Transom, "It changed our lives. Literally."

Mr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explained to the Transom that "All people have to do is see this, and it’s going to change because it’s so outrageous what is happening there. They’re destroying public health, they’re destroying 23,000 dolphins a year, they’re slaughtering them in the most inhuman, awful way, they’re subverting democracy, they’re corrupting democratic institutions across the world."

The film story behind 2009's "The Cove" starts off in Taiji, Japan, where former dolphin trainer Ric O’Barry has come to set things right after a 40-year long search for redemption.

In the 1960's, it was Ric O’Barry who captured and trained the 5 dolphins who played the title character in the international television sensation “Flipper.”

But his close relationship with those dolphins – the very dolphins who sparked a global fascination with trained sea mammals that continues to this day – led O’Barry to a radical change of heart.

Watch "The Cove" Free Movie Online (HQ)

One fateful day, a heartbroken Barry came to realize that these deeply sensitive, highly intelligent and self-aware creatures so beautifully adapted to life in the open ocean must never be subjected to human captivity again.

This mission has brought him to Taiji, a town that appears to be devoted to the wonders and mysteries of the sleek, playful dolphins and whales that swim off their coast.

But in a remote, glistening cove, surrounded by barbed wire and “Keep Out” signs, lies a dark reality.

It is here, under cover of night, that the fishermen of Taiji, driven by a multi-billion dollar dolphin entertainment industry and an underhanded market for mercury-tainted dolphin meat, engage in an unseen hunt.

The nature of what they do is so chilling — and the consequences are so dangerous to human health — they will go to great lengths to halt anyone from seeing it.

Undeterred, O’Barry joins forces with filmmaker Louis Psihoyos and the Oceanic Preservation Society to get to the truth of what’s really going on in the cove and why it matters to everyone in the world.

With the local Chief of Police hot on their trail and strong-arm fishermen keeping tabs on them, they will recruit an “Ocean’s Eleven”-style team of underwater sound and camera experts, special effects artists, marine explorers, adrenaline junkies and world-class free divers who will carry out an undercover operation to photograph the off-limits cove, while playing a cloak-and-dagger game with those who would have them jailed and deported.

The result is a provocative mix of investigative journalism, eco-adventure and arresting imagery that adds up to an urgent plea for hope.

The Cove is directed by Louie Psihoyos and produced by Paula DuPre Pesman and Fisher Stevens. The film is written by Mark Monroe. The executive producer is Jim Clark and the co-producer is Olivia Ahnemann.

Watch "The Cove" Free Movie Online (HQ)

Friday, October 8, 2010

5 Blogs to Learn Adobe Photoshop Online for Free
Woman Mistakes Super Glue for Eye Drops
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows - Part 1 will no longer be 3D
Watch "Earthlings" Free Movie Online (HQ)

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows - Part 1" will no longer be 3D

'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows - Part 1' will no longer be 3D. A Warner Brothers press release cites that the 3D just wouldn't be ready in time and that the films November release will be in 2D across both regular and IMAX screens. Read more here on Deadline Hollywood.

Will this big news change your mind about seeing the film? We doubt it, but no doubt there are waves of disappointment rippling across the Potterverse.

Also in Harry Potter news, the film has been given a PG-13 rating by the MPAA.

"When the film arrives in theaters on Nov. 19, it will be in 2D, playing both conventional theaters and IMAX, but that "we will not have a completed 3D version of the film within our release date window. Despite everyone's best efforts, we were unable to convert the film in its entirety and meet the highest standards of quality. We do not want to disappoint fans who have long-anticipated the conclusion of this extraordinary journey, and to that end, we are releasing our film day-and-date on November 19, 2010 as planned. We, in alignment with our filmmakers, believe this is the best course to take in order to ensure that our audiences enjoy the consummate “Harry Potter” experience."

Producer David Heyman said, “For 10 years, we have worked alongside Alan Horn and the studio, whose priority has always been to preserve the integrity of Jo Rowling’s books as we have adapted them to the screen, and this decision reflects that commitment.”

Director David Yates continued, “This decision, which we completely support, underscores the fact that Warner Bros. has always put quality first.”

As scheduled, on July 15, 2011, we will deliver to conventional and IMAX theaters our final installment of the film franchise, “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2,” in both 2D and 3D formats.
Study: Women apologize more than men Another case of "duh" science
Why is bra singular and panties plural?
Life summarised in 4 bottles
The 8 Villains of Social Media and your best defense
Flight Attendants Dance to Lady Gaga during safety demos The voiceover is a bit unnerving...
University student's sex list becomes internet sensation

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Watch "Earthlings" Free Movie Online (HQ)

EARTHLINGS is a feature length award-winning documentary film about humanity's absolute dependence on animals and the suffering of animals for food, fashion, pets, entertainment and scientific research. It also highlights our complete disrespect for these so-called "non-human providers".

With an in-depth study into pet stores, puppy mills and animals shelters, as well as factory farms, the leather and fur trades, sports and entertainment industries, and finally the medical and scientific profession, EARTHLINGS uses hidden cameras and never before seen footage to chronicle the day-to-day practices of some of the largest industries in the world, all of which rely entirely on animals for profit.

Powerful, informative and thought-provoking, EARTHLINGS is by far the most comprehensive documentary ever produced on the correlation between nature, animals, and human economic interests.

There are many worthy animal rights films available, but this one transcends the setting. EARTHLINGS cries to be seen. Highly recommended!

Watch "Earthlings" Free Movie Online on Youtube (HQ) or Video Google

The film is narrated by Academy Award® nominee Joaquin Phoenix and features music by platinum-selling recording artist Moby. Initially ignored by distributors, today EARTHLINGS is considered the definitive animal rights film by organizations around the world.

“Of all the films I have ever made, this is the one that gets people talking the most,” said Phoenix. “For every one person who sees EARTHLINGS, they will tell three.”

In 1999, writer/producer/director Shaun Monson began work on a series of PSAs about spaying and neutering pets. The footage he shot at animal shelters around Los Angeles affected him so profoundly that the project soon evolved into EARTHLINGS.

The film would take another six years to complete because of the difficulty in obtaining footage within these profitable industries. Though the film was initially ignored by distributors, who told Monson that the film would “never see the light of day and should be swept under the rug”, today EARTHLINGS is considered the definitive animal rights film by organizations around the world.

The film begins by explaining the word, Earthling:

earth-ling n. One who inhabits the earth.

This title reflects the notion that animals, humans and nature are all equal as earthlings.

The word earthlings simply refers to the fact that we all inhabit the same earth. Throughout the documentary, the narration makes the point that there is little difference between racism, sexism or religious persecution, and what the film calls speciesism.

Speciesism is defined as the belief that we are innately better than the other earthlings we coexist with on the planet simply because we dominate them. The most poignant question that the movie asks is what makes people a superior species to animals.

The film makes the point that we all exist on the earth together, are all aware of our surroundings, and have all evolved together. Though the other earthlings do not speak our language, they have their own languages. They possess finely tuned natural instincts and senses that humans have lost long ago, and many animal species have inhabited this earth longer than humans have.

EARTHLINGS emphasizes that humans are not only related to monkeys and chimpanzees, but they are also related to all other living organisms on the earth, since we all evolved from the same humble beginnings. As earthlings, we should be able to coexist in harmony, instead of trying to profit off exploiting the weakness of animals.

The EARTHLINGS film points out that as humans, we are using our power to dominate animals as the reason why we can disrespect them as fellow creatures. The film poses as an alternative, that instead, humans should treat their power over animals as a responsibility to help protect them when they cannot protect themselves.
People still believe The Onion publishes real news?! Historians Admit To Inventing Ancient Greeks
Why is the word for "a fear of long words," hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, so long?
If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?
If you don't know what you want, you end up with a lot you don't. Chuck Palahniuk
How not to make an ATM withdrawal
France may expel Europe's last gypsy circus
Is your private phone number on Facebook? It may be... thanks to your friends

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Facebook Now Allows You To Download Your Information
Work is the greatest thing in the world, so we should always save some of it for tomorrow. Don Herold :)
A Doctor's Blueprint for getting the retirement we want Free vacations and extra money from the government
I just bought Market Samurai Worth every penny!
So... what do your parents do in the Muggle World?
Harry Potter's Butterbeer mystery solved
Top reason for Facebook unfriending Too many useless posts. They actually studied that?!
15 Ways Girls Use to Look Hotter on Facebook NSFW

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How Fake Money Saved Brazil from Rampant Inflation

Monday, October 4, 2010

10 Things you should know about Sleep
Block Party Ten Facebook friends you may love to hate
The Pros and Cons of Daily Deal Sites like Groupon

Sunday, October 3, 2010

How long would it take to read the entire English Wikipedia?
The Story of Cosmetics Simple, Serious, Scary - What's in your Pantene Pro V?
The Best Times to Buy Airline Tickets and Everything Else!
Shibuya Mark City Japan Vacation Travel Getaway